the om room - oncology massage, mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy

On the right is an example of a Soft Shelled 1.3 ata Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber.

For more information please read below.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mild HBOT) involves breathing concentrated oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Because of the increased pressure, oxygen loads not only the red blood cells but the plasma as well, allowing the increased oxygen to deeply penetrate the body’s tissues. It boosts cell growth by delivering increased amounts of oxygen to blood, tissues, and organs. Increased oxygen accelerates bone, skin, and muscle regeneration, helps the body fight infections more effectively, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. 

The mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy accelerates your healing process, strengthens and normalizes the immune system, and allows body functions to improve.

Over time the combination of increased oxygen and increased pressure allows tissues and organ function to change in ways that were perhaps not physiologically possible before the treatment. HBOT is a powerful anti-inflammatory and normalizes immune function, so is helpful for autoimmune and inflammatory disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis and its many related forms. It stimulates growth factors and mobilizes stem/progenitor cells, which aid in the recovery of damaged organs and tissues. It is used pre- and post-surgery to facilitate good outcomes. HBOT encourages DNA switching and mitochondrial biogenesis, which are critical in neuro-rehabilitation and treatment of autism, cerebral palsy, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries. It allows healing of delayed radiation and thermal injuries by encouraging neo-vascularization—stimulating the growth of small capillaries back into damaged tissue. Athletes use it for its performance enhancing qualities and to aid muscle healing.

Ref from The Hyperbaric Community VT.CAN


Dr Michael Woodbridge | - Hyperbaric Physician | Auckland New Zealand


HBO physically dissolves extra oxygen into the plasma and tissues. Breathing pure oxygen at twice atmospheric pressure increases the tissue oxygen pressure in compromised tissues to normal or greater-than-normal values. It then induces the formation of new capillaries in ischaemic or poorly perfused wounds due to the extreme oxygen gradient between the well oxygenated and hypoxic areas.

 Effects on the micro circulation:

High-pressure oxygen causes vasoconstriction in normal tissues while maintaining oxygenation. This narrowing does not occur in injured, ischaemic tissues. Oedema is reduced up to fifty percent through preservation of high-energy phosphate bonds (ATP) in the cells. Oxygen diffuses two to three times as far from capillaries into tissues when breathed under pressure. This keeps injured tissue with sparsely functioning blood vessels alive.

 Antibacterial activity:

HBO inhibits the growth of a number of anaerobic organisms and enhances white cell killing of aerobic organisms. HBO can double or triple the bacteria-killing ability of white cells. It is particularly useful in patients where resistance factors are compromised. HBO acts synergistically to most antibiotics and even potentiates the bactericidal effect of aminoglycosides.

Wikipedia Information > click here


While a person is under pressure, oxygen molecules dissolve into the blood plasma. The oxygen doesn’t rely solely on the red blood cells to be transported while under pressure. The plasma (the white fluid part of the blood) gets to all the tissues, also where blood flow is compromised, as the plasma can go through the blood vessel walls. (unlike the red blood cells) This exponentially increases oxygen delivery throughout the body and makes it possible for oxygen to reach inflamed tissue and support optimal cellular and organ functionality.

Many many positive uses of this chamber in the comfort of your own home.

Sports recovery also In situ of Cancer treatment/chemo recovery, surgery/anesthetic, Diabetes, Asperger, Concussion; MHBOT has endless ongoing positive results for all of the above and more.

Please research how to use MHBOT for your current condition. ie: cancer recovery 4 x 90min sessions 1 day off - 5 days x 90min sessions 2 days off - 40 sessions min then continue with every second day x 90 min session.


Depending on your personal requirements; However below is a guideline for your information:

  • Stroke: 40 x sessions, 4 days of treatment;  Break for 2 days, then 4 days again. 
  • Post Operation: General Anesthetic 3 - 6 sessions (In a medical facility this would be immediate Post Op recovery.)
  • Wound Recovery: Up too 24x sessions 4 on 2 off. 3 on 1 off. 4 on 2 off..
  • Sports Recovery/Injury Recovery: Post event 1x session / Injury 3-6 sessions up to 18 for a full recovery~injury.

The guide has been calibrated for a soft shell mild hyperbaric chamber 1.3ata, 5/10 litres pm 98% pure O2, approx 25/30kpa.

As always please consult your medical practitioner prior to entering into Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment.

Please note that the above article is for information.

For Mild Hyperbaric Treatment Therapy in Tauranga please contact Kerri on